
Artist-in-Residence Acadia National Park 2018

In August 2018, my husband Franny and I stayed in a ranger cabin on Isle of Haut in Acadia National Park. Our stay there was only five days, but even so, the slow pace of forest time seeped it’s way in. The lumbering presence of the trees on the coast made me think about the frantic pace of modern life and resolve to work on expressing the slow and calming pace of the natural world. Acadia National Park was created out of many parcels of land donated and acquired by local residents who recognized it's fragile rugged beauty and made up their minds to preserve it forever. I taught a free workshop on Little Cranberry Island which went well except for the fog!

Eli’s Creek, on right, is now part of the permanent exhibit at the Hull’s Cove Visitor’s Center in Acadia National Park.

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